On the 31st

On the 31st

September 2020 to resume", said on Friday in a message from several opera houses in NRW that had come together on the initiative of the Dortmund theater.

One is "able to adjust the selection of plays, the staging and the visitor management so that they correspond to the medical and hygienic requirements". The Oper Dortmund, the Aalto-Musiktheater Essen, the Musiktheater im Revier Gelsenkirchen, the Oper Wuppertal, the Theater Krefeld Mönchengladbach, the Landestheater Detmold and the Theater Münster referred to the "in many cases existential concern, especially of the independent artists, due to the restrictions imposed by the authorities".

So be it "It is imperative to work out a timetable for the speedy start of performances, on the one hand to avert individual social hardship and at the same time to maintain the basis for the continued successful development of Germany as a cultural location with its globally unique theater landscape".

Is necessary "a sufficient lead time of ten weeks between the announcement and the entry into force of any relaxation of existing restrictions".

The legal dispute about the termination of the director at the Wuppertal dance theater, Adolphe Binder, has been settled. Binder and the city of Wuppertal have reached an out-of-court settlement.

It was a long and tough argument between the former director of the Wuppertal dance theater Pina Bausch, Apdolphe Binder, and the establishment. Now there has been an agreement. The regional labor court on Wednesday in Düsseldorf with. The trial date planned for Friday was therefore canceled. The court did not say anything about the content of the agreement.

In a legally binding partial judgment, the court had already declared Binder’s termination without notice to be ineffective last August. Now it was still a question of their financial claims.

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Binder had asked just under 214,000 euros gross for the period after the termination in July 2018 until January 2020. Bettina Wagner-Bergelt has been the artistic director of the dance theater in Wuppertal for over a year.

Sources used: dpa news agency

The labor court process after the resignation of the director at the Wuppertal dance theater, Adolphe Binder, continues. On January 31, the Düsseldorf regional labor court will rule on their financial claims, according to Tuesday. In a now legally binding partial judgment, the court had declared her termination without notice a year earlier to be ineffective in August 2019.

The trial before the regional labor court deals with the remuneration of the terminated cultural manager from the contract as director of the world-famous dance theater founded by Pina Bausch. According to the court, Binder is demanding just under 214,000 euros gross for the period after the termination in July 2018 until January 2020. Bettina Wagner-Bergelt has been the artistic director of the dance theater for over a year.

Poisonous gourmet cheese: Elevated dioxin levels have been found in Italian buffalo mozzarella. (Photo: archive) It is considered a delicious delicacy: Italian buffalo mozzarella. But now connoisseurs are losing their appetite. Japan has imposed a ban on imports of Italian mozzarella. The reason: traces of the highly toxic substance dioxin were found in the cheese to a large extent, said a ministry representative. Therefore, the Japanese Ministry of Health is now requesting more detailed information from the Italian government. The day before, South Korea had already stopped importing the cheese traditionally made from buffalo milk.

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Risk spot: garbage buffalo around Naples

The carcinogenic dioxin was found in 66 buffalo herds around Naples, the Italian authorities said. The problem is likely caused by poor buffalo diet. The mozzarella region around Naples has been affected by a garbage crisis in recent months, with rubbish piling up in the streets. The EU Commission is now also examining relevant reports and, according to media reports, has sent a request to the Italian authorities. If the tests again detect toxins, those responsible in Italy would have to take measures to protect the internal market, said the EU spokeswoman.

Heart of cheese making affected

As early as 2001 and 2003, the EU Commission obliged Italy to regularly check the milk used. With intermittent success: In the past two years there have been no complaints and no threat to human health, a spokeswoman for the EU confirmed to the AFP news agency. The region from which the affected cheeses come is considered to be the heart of mozzarella production. There are 1,900 buffalo farms in the Caserta region alone, where the cheese specialty is traditionally served as a caprese with tomatoes and basil. Italy produces a total of 33,000 tons of mozzarella per year.

All cheese or what? Misconceptions about milk

Toxic health hazard

The recommendation of the World Health Organization (WHO) shows how harmful and toxic the dioxins are, according to which a person should not ingest more than one to four picograms of dioxins per kilogram of body weight per day. One picogram corresponds to a trillionth of a gram. A woman weighing 60 kilograms can therefore consume a maximum of 240 picograms. Consumer advocates criticize this blanket calculation of the limit values ​​for dioxin: "People who particularly like and frequently consume certain products with a high dioxin content such as salmon, mackerel, eel or cod liver are not adequately protected by the existing maximum levels"according to the consumer organization Foodwatch. Accordingly, dioxins have a broad spectrum of toxic and biochemical effects. In the worst case, there is a risk of uterine damage, behavioral disorders, a weakened immune system and even cancer.

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Pork in a shop in Belfast (Photo: AFP) Irish pork possibly contaminated with dioxin has also been delivered to Germany. Around 2,000 tons have been delivered to companies in North Rhine-Westphalia and Schleswig-Holstein since September 1st, the Ministry of Consumers announced on Monday. Politicians called for better controls. According to the Federal Office for Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL), it is still unclear to what extent the meat is contaminated and whether it has already reached consumers. The state authorities checked, said BVL spokesman Jochen Heimberg.

In Schleswig-Holstein, one of the two farms supplied was no longer available from Ireland on Monday, as the spokesman for the Ministry of Agriculture said. According to the companies concerned, almost 2000 tons of pork from Ireland went to North Rhine-Westphalia alone. According to the district administration, two cutting companies in the Borken district received around 1,400 tons. The Tönnies meat plant in Rheda-Wiedenbrück has been processing 461 tons of pork from Ireland since September, as a spokesman said.

Video Irish pork heavily contaminated with dioxinBackground polychlorinated biphenylsMore animal newsMore breaking news

No imminent danger

According to the State Office for Consumer Protection, a fourth company was supplied in the country, which was not on the lists of the Irish authorities, but was discovered during the inspections of the district veterinary offices. According to the first findings of the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR), dioxin-contaminated pork does not pose an immediate health risk if consumed only occasionally, as the institute’s spokesperson Ariane Girndt explained. According to the BVL, the PCB values ​​measured in Ireland exceed the limit values ​​by around a hundred times.

Admixture of industrial oil

In the currently reported cases, the PCBs probably got into the animals through contaminated feed, explained the BfR. The Irish Food Safety Authority announced on Sunday evening in Dublin that the poison had entered the food chain at a feed manufacturer through the addition of industrial oil. Initially, only ten percent of pork production was affected by the contamination. During further processing, however, the contaminated meat was mixed with other things, which led to the extensive contamination that also affects exports.

Low market share

Irish pork only has a very small market share of 0.3 percent in Germany. This is what the Central Market and Price Reporting Office for Agriculture, Forestry and Food Products (ZMP) said. The total annual consumption of pork and its products in Germany in 2007 was just under 4.6 million tons. However, industry experts suspect that despite the very low percentage of Irish pork, it is disproportionately distributed in Germany because it is mainly used in sausage production.

Better controls required

Politicians from the CDU and the Greens called for better food controls. The CDU consumer protection expert Julia Klöckner demanded in the "Rheinische Post" "more staff so that nothing falls through the cracks". The Deputy Green Group leader in the Bundestag, Bärbel Höhn, spoke out for "more effective and more closely meshed »food controls and a new consumer information law.

In Wuppertal, two young men pushed a 71-year-old woman to the floor and then stole her handbag. The elderly woman came to a hospital for treatment.

Two people brought a senior citizen to the ground on Wednesday afternoon and robbed her. The injured 71-year-old had to be treated in a hospital. The Wuppertal police announced on Thursday morning.

Accordingly, the perpetrators pushed the woman on the pedestrian bridge from the suspension railway stop Ohligsmühle in the direction of Südstraße in the Elberfeld district. When she was on the ground, the men stole her handbag and fled towards the city center.

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The police are now looking for witnesses to the robbery. The perpetrators are said to be between 14 and 20 years old, have light skin and brown hair.

Sources used: Wuppertal police: press release from May 14th

Irish pork should be taken off the market in Germany as a precaution (Photo: dpa) After the discovery of carcinogenic substances in Irish pork, the federal government asked the trade to remove all pork from Irish production from the market. The meat should not be sold for the time being, said a spokeswoman for the consumer protection ministry on Sunday in Berlin. It is currently being examined whether and how much pork of Irish origin is on the market in Germany. Germany had been informed of the findings of contaminated meat in Ireland as part of the EU rapid alert system. The Ministry of Consumer Protection has informed the competent authorities of the federal states, said the ministry spokeswoman.

Video Irish pork heavily contaminated by dioxinBackground polychlorinated biphenyls More animal newsMore breaking news

Limit exceeded 200 times

Meanwhile, the Irish government has recalled all pork products because of possible contamination with carcinogens. A concentration of chemical substances was found in the meat of some farms that was up to 200 times higher than allowed, said the Irish Food Protection Agency FSAI.

Contaminated animal feed used

The compound PCB (polychlorinated biphenyls) was discovered in animal feed that was supplied to almost 50 farms in Ireland. The ingestion of large amounts of PCBs leads to acute skin complaints, causes liver, spleen and kidney damage and weakens the immune system. The substance has long been banned in several countries.

Better to destroy sausage and meat

Irish health officer Tony Holohan said no one who has eaten pork should see a doctor. The substance is only dangerous if people are exposed to it for longer. "The period here is much shorter"said Holohan. As a precaution, citizens should now destroy all products such as sausages, bacon or raw meat that have been bought since September 1st. The pig industry is the largest agricultural sector in Ireland.

Worse than BSE?

Irish Prime Minister Brian Cowen has already called crisis talks. It was feared that it would have a drastic impact on Irish agriculture. Ireland is currently in a difficult economic situation and is the first country in Europe to slide into recession due to the financial crisis. The recall could develop into a threat to the food industry "as big, if not bigger, than the foot-and-mouth disease and BSE outbreak can be"said the opposition Labor Party’s agricultural policy spokesman Sean Sherlock.

Mozzarella crisis after dioxin discovery: EU threatens to stop imports. (Photo: AP) Mozzarella – this name is the epitome of milky, soft cheese enjoyment from southern Italy worldwide. But now, hard times have come for the specialty made from buffalo milk. First, the infectious disease brucellosis was rampant in Campania and forced thousands of buffaloes into the slaughterhouses. Now elevated dioxin levels bring the world-famous "Mozzarella di bufala" hit the headlines. In at least 27 cheese dairies in the Campania region, increased traces of the toxic substance were found in the delicacy during controls. In the scandal of buffalo mozzarella that may be contaminated with dioxin, the EU Commission threatened Italy with an import ban for other EU member states.

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"Act quickly" asked

In a statement, the EU criticized the Italian government: it had not yet made any arrangements for a recall of the products, it said. The EU Commission challenged the Italian authorities "quick action" on.